Thursday, November 12, 2009

this makes me want to ride it more and smile more just to make up for the evil

Just when I start taking (and not minding) the skytrain, a friend who clearly wants to crush all my dreams finds this on the internet:

110%, No Fakies, Full On Facts.
November 12, 2009 – 6:50 am
Below is a chart based on actual stats.
Some other Facts:
- Stabbings mostly occur on days that end with “Y”.

- Never wear anything legit on the Sky Train, such as Reebok Pumps. That is a sure fire way to get stabbed.
- The sky train’s first and 3rd official motto is, “Stab first, ask later”
- The engineers building the sky train knew that stabbing could be an issue, so they made the sky train stab proof. That is why it is metal.
- Immortal Technique has been stabbed twice on BC’s Sky Train, but both times were mistakes.


Wait a minute....Immortal Technique!? Fact: Immortal Technique isn't allowed into Canada. Fact. Yay for paying attention.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahahahahhaha this is so funny

"stab first ask later" is quite possibly the funniest motto ever.

Immortal Technique? I'm surprised buttercup knows Immortal Technique...damn