Wednesday, September 3, 2008

new (to you and i) music

1) This guy is ridiculous (in a good way)! His shows are crazy entertaining. His outfits, molestable. His giant computer set up was like nothing we've ever seen. All in all, Idle Tigers put on a petite, yet awesome show that we were lucky enough to check out in Toronto. Myspace him and fall in love:

2) The opener for Idle Tigers was equally beautiful to watch. They go by Olenka & the Autumn Lovers. Their folky sound and their polish/van/london, ontaio background made us happy. Their soothing voice and great instruments (base, cello, violin, guitar, maracas, xylophone, etc.) plus the amazing (kissable) company made the night absolutely spectacular. This band is a must to check out and listen to till the end of time.

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